Gun Safety Awareness

The information contained on this site does not replace the text of the law, which has an official status. To obtain more information on federal and provincial regulations, visit the RCMP’s and Ministry of Public Security’s websites.
You are responsible for your firearms. Respecting the rules protects those around you.
Lock them up after hunting
Locking up your gun as soon as you return home from hunting is the easiest and safest thing to do. Free trigger locks are even available from your local hunter support program!
Storing firearms safely
Always unload and lock your firearms! Store the ammunition separately or lock it up. It can be stored in the same locked container as the firearms.
Non-restricted firearms
Attach a secure locking device, such as a trigger lock or cable lock (or remove the bolt), so the firearms cannot be fired;

Lock the firearms in a cabinet, container or room that is difficult to break into.

Restricted and prohibited firearms
Attach a secure locking device so the firearms cannot be fired and lock them in a cabinet, container or room that is difficult to break into;

Lock the firearms in a vault, safe or room that was built or modified specifically to store firearms safely.
For automatic firearms, also remove the bolts or bolt carriers (if removable) and lock them in a separate room that is difficult to break into.
Transporting Firearms Safely
Non-restricted firearms
They must be unloaded during transportation.
Restricted and prohibited firearms
- Unload the firearms; and
- Attach secure locking devices to the firearms; and
- Lock the firearms in a sturdy, non-transparent container; and
- Remove the bolts or bolt carriers from any automatic firearms (if removable).
- Obtain an Authorization to Transport (call 1-800-731-4000).
Leaving any firearm in an unattended vehicle
- Lock non-restricted firearms in the trunk or a similar lockable compartment.
- Lock containers carrying restricted or prohibited firearms in the trunk or a similar lockable compartment.
- If the vehicle does not have a trunk or lockable compartment, put firearms and firearm containers out of sight inside the vehicle and lock the vehicle.
- If you are in a remote wilderness area and cannot lock your non-restricted firearms inside your vehicle, unload them and put them out of sight. Attach a secure locking device to the firearms unless they are needed for predator control.
Displaying Firearms Safely In Your Home
Unload and lock your firearms!
Ammunition cannot be displayed with, or be accessible to, the firearms.
Non-restricted firearms
- Attach secure locking devices to the firearms; or
- Lock the firearms in a cabinet, container or room that is difficult to break into.
Restricted and prohibited firearms
- Attach secure locking devices to the firearms; and
- Securely attach them to something that cannot be moved.
- For automatic firearms, also remove the bolts or bolt carriers (if removable) and lock them in a separate room that is difficult to break into.
Other safety tips
- Store your guns in a location that is not easily accessible. Use a safe if you have one, or lock up your guns in a cabinet, shack or closet;
- Keep all your firearms and ammunition out of the reach of children;
- Store your firearms and ammunition in separate locations.
“Did you know? Almost 80% of firearm-related deaths in Canada are the result of suicide”
Juristat, 2005, Homicide in Canada, Statistics Canada Catalogue no 85-002-XIE, p. 5